Supplier Background Check

Supplier background check (SBC)

Supplier verification and background check in china is a – must-do, for small-to-medium-sized businesses, to verify a company’s legitimacy and avoid any unpleasant surprises later.

How do you verify a Chinese supplier?

What are the ways to verify a Chinese supplier’s background and ensure their safety before making the initial production order and deposit payment?

Here are some self-performed background check solutions for checking a company in China.


In China, the best way to perform background checks on your new Chinese supplier is to check them on Baidu. Chinese manufacturers must have information about their company on Baidu, especially if they claim that they can cooperate with foreign companies and export abroad.


While Google may not provide as much information as Baidu, it can still be useful in finding information about Chinese manufacturers through reviews from other importers or details about their participation in international trade shows, which is a positive sign of a legitimate and established manufacturer.


Call & Schedule

Consider calling the manufacturer’s office number, typically starting with (021)xxxx, to assess their legitimacy through their response. You may also schedule a factory audit to gauge your Chinese supplier’s reaction and willingness to accommodate, which could indicate any potential hidden agendas.

We can provide Supplier Background Check in just 2 business days

By using the solutions mentioned above, you can acquire information on your Chinese factory’s background while also avoiding extra expenses. But if you prefer to entrust this task to experienced professionals, then consider requesting a background check from us!

Supplier Background Check process:


Client submits the Chinese supplier's company name, a copy of their business license, and any other relevant information they have on their potential business partner.


Client proceeds to place an order and pays a service fee to China Look Group.


China Look Group initiates the Chinese company background check by conducting a search on the updated databases of the Chinese government.


China Look group checks if the Chinese supplier had in the past or have currently ongoing Lawsuits in China.


Prepare the report and deliver it within 2 working days from the order placement date.

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