Product Development in China

China New Product Development Service: From Concept to Manufacturing

If you’re looking for a product development service that can take your concept to market-ready product, look no further than our company. We specialize in finding a manufacturer to make your product and helping them to navigate the product development process from start to finish.

What is product development?

Product development is the process of designing, creating, and bringing a new product to market. It involves a series of stages that include conceptualization, design, prototyping, testing, and manufacturing. Successful product development requires a comprehensive understanding of the new product development process and careful management of each stage.

Why choose China for new product development?

China is a global leader in manufacturing, and outsourcing to China can provide many advantages, including cost savings, access to skilled labor, and a robust supply chain. Here are some reasons why you should consider outsourcing new product development to China:


Experienced product design and manufacturing companies in China can help you create high-quality products at lower costs.


Chinese factories offer a wide range of products, making it easier to manufacturer your product.


China is home to both OEM (Original equipment manufacturing ) and ODM (Original design manufacturing) companies, giving you options to choose from when finding a manufacturer in China.


This is where we work with you, product designer and the manufacturer to develop your idea into a product concept.

Selecting the right Manufacturer

At this step we select the most suitable manufacturer to fulfill your product manufacturing requirements.


Once the concept is finalized, designer will create a detailed product design that meets your requirements and specifications.


At this step, the selected manufacturer under our supervision will create a physical product prototype.


We'll arrange the product test to ensure it meets all necessary standards and regulations, functionality and aesthetics.


Once the design and prototype are approved, we'll begin manufacturing the product.

Stages of new product development process

Our product development service in China can guide you through the entire new product development process, which typically involves the following stages:

Product development examples

Our product development service in China has helped clients in a wide range of industries create successful new products. Here are some examples:

  • Health and beauty: China Look Group assisted a client develop a new line of skincare products, from concept to manufacturing.
  • Consumer electronics: China Look Group assisted a client in developing a new Bluetooth speaker that was sold on Amazon USA.
  • Industrial equipment: China Look Group worked with a client to design and assemble a ball bearing assembly line and equipment that was exported to and currently being used in Canada market.

Risks involved in new product development

While new product development can be rewarding, there are also risks involved. Some of the risks associated with new product development include:

  • Failure to meet market demand: A product that doesn’t meet market needs may not be successful. Therefore we strongly suggest you to conduct market research and even trying to enter the market with already existing similar product models, before developing new product.
  • Failure to protect intellectual property: Without proper trademark and patent protection, a competitor or untrustworthy supplier could copy your product and compete with you on your market with the same product.
  • Manufacturing problems: Issues can arise during the manufacturing process, leading to delays and additional costs.

Why choose our product development service in China?

Our product development service in China offers several advantages, including:

If you’re interested in outsourcing new product development to China, contact us today to learn more about our product development service.

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