During Production Inspection

During Production Inspection

During the manufacturing process, ensuring high standards of manufacturing quality control is essential. To achieve this, one can conduct a During Production Inspection, also known as DUPRO inspection or an Inline Product Inspection (IPI), which takes place when 20-60% of the order has been completed. As the packaging for export typically starts at this stage of manufacturing, conducting on-site production inspection is crucial for importers of large bulk orders.

Dupro inspection

Dupro inspection plays a vital role in manufacturing quality control, giving importers the opportunity to identify and implement necessary changes at an early stage of manufacturing and before packaging begins. By doing so, importers can ensure that the final product meets all required standards and specifications.

why inspect during production?

Conducting a During Production Inspection in Asia is crucial to ensure that suppliers are implementing all the agreed-upon quality standards and requirements during the manufacturing process.

Quality control inspections play a vital role in ensuring that your products meet your company’s standards and requirements. These inspections are typically conducted in accordance with international quality standards, and AQL Tables are used to determine acceptable levels of defects. However, the specific stage in the production process at which an inspection is conducted will depend on the particular product and the client’s specific requirements.


Pre-production inspection

Pre-production inspection, which occurs when production is at 0-10%, allows you to confirm the supplier’s in-house quality assurance and quality control techniques, raw material status, and production line readiness.


During production inspection

During production inspection, conducted when production is at 20-60%, allows you to ensure that the supplier is following your agreed-upon quality standards and requirements throughout the manufacturing process.


Pre-shipment inspection

Pre-shipment inspection, which takes place at 90-100% production completion, allows you to confirm the overall quality of the entire production order before it leaves the supplier’s factory.

By conducting inspections at different stages of the production process, you can catch and address quality issues early on, saving time and resources, and ensuring that your products meet the highest standards of quality.

The appropriate quality inspection techniques must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case and the quality control inspection requirements of the client.

Production Status

Confirm the current production speed and further production planning to avoid lead time delay.

Quality Check

Inspect function, measurements, and appearance of already finished products.

Defect Percentage

Monitor defected products to implement corrective actions before having too many items produced.

Raw Material

Confirm enough raw material supplies for your whole order quantity.

Storage Condition

See how your supplier stores already finished product batches to avoid breakage or spoiling while the rest of the order is being manufactured.

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